Wednesday, 27 April 2022


The Finfolk (or Finnfolk) are a breed of metamorphic creatures belonging to the folklore of the Orkney Islands, an archipelago located in the north of Scotland. According to the legends, they dwell during winter on the seabed in an underwater castle called Finfolkaheem, and during the summer on an island invisible to human eyes, called Hildaland. Finfolk regularly visit the surface to capture humans, be they adults or even children, and force them into a long life of servitude as a husband or wife. To attract their victims, the Finfolk often disguise themselves as other marine animals, plants or even floating clothing. However, Finfolk females prefer to appear as women of incredible beauty, with straight and golden hair and ivory skin, and sometimes even show their tails. Sometimes they display lovely voices, like the Greek mermaids. Already the Finfolk males prefer to appear as fishermen in a rowboat, or just like an empty rowboat. Unlike the Selkies, the Finfolk are neither romantic nor friendly. Instead of courting the spouse of their choice, they simply abduct them. They are often described as territorial and greedy, and, in addition to their lust for humans, they have a weakness for silver and for objects made of silver, like jewels. To escape the kidnapping, simply throw coins or any other object made of silver away, and the Finfolk will abandon it to go after the silver. It is also said that drawing the sign of the cross on the floor of a vessel prevents a Finfolk from approaching it

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