Monday, 26 June 2023


The Tommyknocks, found deep within coal mines, are said to be about two feet tall and often described as greenish in color. They look like men and are most often spied wearing a traditional miner’s outfit. Living beneath the ground, they have been “known” to have committed both good and bad deeds through the centuries, often playing practical jokes and committing random acts of mischief, such as stealing unattended tools and food.
The name “knockers” comes from the knocking on the mine walls that often happens just before cave-ins. Caused by the creaking of earth and timbers, some thought these sounds of “hammering” were malevolent, indicating certain death or injury. Others saw their “knocking” as well-meaning, warning the miners that a life-threatening collapse was imminent. Yet, others believed that the knocking sounds would lead them to a rich ore body and or signs of good luck.

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