Friday, 9 February 2024


 Omega is an artificial intelligence inhabiting a futuristic combat chassis. It is specifiallt designed to combat superhumans in the 20th Century, whether hero or villain.

Omega was sent to the late 20th Century from some time in the future, given the task of finding the cause and stopping a global Apocalypse that devastated the world some time in the 23rd Cntury. Omega's investigation has determined the ultimate cause to be the existence of the superhumans, and in order to accomplish its mission, has decided that the most efficient way to stop the future apocalypse is to eliminate the superhumans. All of them.
In the decades since, Omega has constructed secret bases all over the world. Whenever one of this combat chassis is destroyed, his consciousness and memories are uploaded via sattelite to one of his basis, where his body is rebuilt and upgraded, with new defensive measures predicted to make the last method of destruction either impossible or at least more difficult.

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