Friday, 25 August 2023


In Nordic and Germanic Polytheism Ullr or Ull (Old Germanic Languages: Wulþuz) is the god of snowshoes, hunting, the bow, and the shield; he is a handsome stepson of the thunder god Thor. Ull possesses warrior-like attributes and is called upon for aid in individual combat. He resides at Ydalir (Yew Dales). In Skáldskaparmál, the second part of the Prose Edda, Snorri mentions Ullr again in a discussion of kennings. Snorri informs his readers that Ullr can be called ski-god, bow-god, hunting-god and shield-god. In turn a shield can be called Ullr's ship. During an excavation in 2007, of a Vendel era shrine for Ullr north of Stockholm, many symbolic rings were discovered, which are considered to represent Ullr's ring.

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