Monday, 21 August 2023


Sorn Glimmara the Half-Elven Warlock

Description: Sorn is a wizened looking half-elf with deep green eyes, and a long tangled mane of white hair streaked with grey. He wears simple dark clothes and carries an ornately carved staff that he uses to channel is magical powers. His smile often contains a hint of mystery as he loves telling tales of his exploits and the stories of long past adventures.
Personality: Sorn is strong-willed and independent, but he values friendship and camaraderie. He knows how powerful magic can be, but believes in using it for the benefit of others rather than for personal gain. His sardonic wit can often leave those he converses with hoping he will cut them some slack when things get tough. He also has an eye for detail which makes him effective in gathering information on various topics, even ones not directly related to his own adventures.
Sorn Glimmara is aware of the existence of powerful extraplanar entities, including archdevils and demons. He knows of obscure magics that can be used to summon them, but chooses never to use them himself. He also has knowledge of certain magical artifacts with the power to permanently bind these creatures, though he is wary of such dangerous forces and prefers to avoid entanglement in such matters. In his travels over the years, Sorn has come across ancient runes that relate dire warnings about tapping into the power of these extraplanar beings—warnings that he takes seriously.

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