Tuesday, 11 July 2023


"I had commented on a post earlier about shadow folk being mostly harmless, and I stand by that, however some people have rightly pointed out that there are some SHADOW LIKE folk who are not. I thought I would take some time to elaborate further(and with better respect to the shadow folk).
It's not uncommon to come across spiritual mimics. Mimics can impersonate a child's invisible friend, lost loved ones, and even other spiritual entities known or theorized to exist. By and large, mimics do this as predators. They are not being mischievous. They mean harm. I very recently got around to finally banishing one who had haunted me for nearly 15 years and was quite frustrated I refused to trust it.
I don't trust spirits. I can't. I practice banishings and this can leave marks on you, that other entities can understand to mean "they who cause spirit folk harm".
This is particularly true with shadow folk.
There are a LOT of mythology surrounding them throughout the world, but there are two nearly universal kinds that you will come across as being reported.
Proper shadow folk are just that. Shadows that don't appear to be cast, and move on their own. Sometimes, their mischievous, but by and large, they want nothing to do with people and have no recorded way of causing harm outside of mischief and pranks. Sort of like a child playing with a bug that's terrified of it.
Where this becomes problematic is the idea that their mimics understand this predilection for mischief and seemingly have borrowed from it. They have some very noticeable differences. Shadow folk are very often difficult to perceive, and rarely so in a 3 dimensional manner. Their mimics appear to be more blocky. They are also not transparent.
These mimics cause harm. They threaten. They mimic poltergeist activity. They genuinely have no reason to be here other than to hurt.
It's this mimic that is unfortunately so commonly and easily faked in videos, and because it can be difficult, when trying to assess the safety of a household, I am often left with little choice but as to banish them, regardless. It's at this juncture that it's worth pointing out that some people say they've had very negative experiences with the shadow folk but neglect to say how they try and contact them. It's important to remember that a lot of attempts to contact a harmless spirit may often invite a NOT harmless one.
As to the nature of mimics, I find them dark, universally. Not as in shadowy. As in harmful. I've come across mimics that copy shadow folk, avenging spirits, Guardian angels, women in white, and my own grandfather. Near as I can tell, once they've gotten settled into their haunting, they all act like the same sort of entity, leading me to believe this to be the case.
In contrast, most shadow folk are very rarely interested in the living and only ever seen to be noticed accidentally. It's my belief that THEY don't mean harm unless they feel threatened.
The mimics of the dark things, though? I'm likewise of the belief that they are straight up threats, and not to be taken lightly.
Obligatory; if you feel threatened by an entity in your home, please don't hesitate to reach out to a local witch, priest, or other spiritual blessing officiate and for the love of the great mother, please do not ever buy a Ouija board."

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