Chris Sanders is a young African American teenager who was born paralyzed from the waist down living in the small town called Wonderville where he is being bullied at school by a racist jock named Nick Wagner. One night Chris,his sister Beth and his father Jeffery who is a civil rights attorney are driving home from seeing the next Jason Bourne movie at the movie theater but suddenly the corrupt superhero/police officer known as Patrolman pulls them over and starts harassing Jeffery assuming he’s a drug dealer. Beth tries to intervene but is shot to death. The next day at the funeral Chris swears vengeance and then asks a friend of his named Milo Thompson who is a very skilled scientist to create something that will make him walk. So Milo creates Alpha 15 a scientifically advanced chemical substance that will enhance Chris's bone structure and not only does it make him walk for the first time in his life it also grants him superhuman level marksmanship and other abilities.
Afterwards. Chris learns martial arts from his grandfather who is an ex-Navy SEAL and Vietnam veteran. He then puts on a black leather suit and starts fighting crime as the vigilante known as Black Justice
Type of hero: Lethal Vigilante
Powers and skills
Exceptional Intelligence
Master Archer
Master Martial Artist
Master Knifemanship
Stealth Mastery
Fear Inducement
Mathematics Intuition
Expert Spy
Driving Skills
Torture Methods
Impeccable Detective Skills
Sheer force of Will
Trick Arrows
Skilled at using a Grabbling Hook
Climbing Skills
Tactical Analysis
Artificially Enhanced Physiology:
Rapid Bone Regeneration
Superhuman Strength
Superhuman Accuracy
Superhuman Senses
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Reflexes
Pain Immunity
Obsessive compulsive disorder
Blunt force/limited durability
Flesh wounds
He is at the same strength level of MCU Spider-Man
Black Justice fighting style includes
Muay Thai
Tang Soo Do
Crane style Kung fu
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