Wednesday, 5 January 2022


Well early this morning, just after Midnight in the Kitchen. Candy and I were talking again about our future and what is yet to come.
She cried a lot and we hugged a lot, as we normally do in events like this.
I'm not saying she had a drink or not, as she said she did not, but it seemed that she did, the way she was acting and stumbling around the bungalow.
She said that she is scared and frightened about our future and she never thought we would ever get to this point in our lives, She said she loves me but NOT in love with me.
She is still that frightened little child who thinks she does ot deserve happiness and is quite often hurting me!
I don't want to lose her as I am still in love with her, she is my soulmate.
Yes I admit, I did push her away and stopped talking to her in late 2020, but she did the same thing with me, we both screwed up!
I would do anything to make things better between us, to not lose her as my wife and best friend.
If there is a magickal spell to change things and keep us together, I would cast it.
Heck, I would sell my soul to make things better between us.

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