This is my short story when I felt lonely the other week -
I've just posted this on the writing group that I admin.
Lonely Among the Stars
© by Jason Louis 2023.
Let me introduce myself, my name is Gerry and I was looking forward to spending the time with my best friend in the whole scope of this reality, Trifena who is slightly older than me, only by a year but she is wise beyond her years as well as being young at heart, and plus she is not only bloody beautiful, but she is also a huge geek, a sci-fi nerd like myself. That makes her so special. We usually spend the time together chatting about everything under the stars and we constantly laugh at weird things, she likes to laugh at me too, which, I don’t mind because you know, I am a funny bloke!
So, as I was saying, I was looking forward to a fab day of geekiness, but she could not make it, she had other commitments, which was cool, but I knew I was going to miss her as I had a surprise for her, the newest release on DVD of Galactic Voyages: The New Crew season 3.
It's our favourite sci-fi series of all time, except for my other favourite show and spin off “Galactic Voyages: Beyond the Stars.”
This series is based on a distant space station that ends up lost in another galaxy and they are on a quest to get back home.
Anyway, I’m rambling on again, as always! Now where was I?
That’s right, Trifena could not make it, and I was a bit bummed about it, she was not even texting me back, so I start to think, what have I done wrong? Did she notice that I broke wind when she was last here? Has she gone off sci-fi? Am I being a paranoid android? What???
So yes, I was peeved, but I thought, it’s her loss if she will miss out on the season 3 boxset, so I looked around my empty flat to make sure it was indeed empty, and I placed the disc into the DVD player and got some snacks and fizzy pop out to chow down, while I sit in my favourite comfy chair and I pressed play.
The intro of the series starts up –
Galactic Voyages: The New Crew.
The galaxy, the final frontier for Humanity, these are the chronicles of Captain Weston Coyle of the spacecraft Majestic, and his loyal crew of Humans and Aliens united in a mission of peaceful exploration and defence in the name of the United Alliance.
I squee’d like a schoolboy as various action scenes flashed on the screen as an awesome soundtrack played in the background, much better than the horrible classical music they had in season 2 but nobody really liked that season.
So, the credits roll up and I looked away for a second when they announced special guest stars, nothing important, I can always rewatch this again with Trifena when she gets back in touch, hopefully.
I click pause on the player, and I start to ponder why I feel bad and lonely today, am I such a bad person that people don’t want to be friends with me or is it something else? Why am I so lonely? Why am I talking to myself? Don’t be an idiot, Gerry!
And then suddenly my DVD player switches itself back on and the episode starts to play, but it now looks different, the show looks more real. And Captain Coyle is standing there and staring at me and gives me his famous cocky grin and he starts to speak to me!
“Howdy Kid, welcome to my neck of the woods.”
I was like “what?” “what’s going on?”
“Close your mouth kid, it’s big enough for a Cosmic Class spacecraft to fly through!” Captain Coyle replies in his laidback manner.
“I need to recruit you for the United Alliance to defend the Galactic Frontier against the Zor-Damn Armada.”
“Huh, I’m just a lonely nerd in his PJ’s, what can I do to help?” I exclaimed.
Captain Weston Coyle straightens his uniform and smiles.
“Gerry, may I call you Gerry? You are an incredibly talented kid for someone who wears his nightclothes during the day!” He continues to speak, “I have somebody here who wants a word, she might convince you into helping us.”
A flash of blueish light envelops the living room and Trifena appears wearing a United Alliance uniform.
“Hey sweetie, sorry I could not make it over earlier, but I was busy, besides, I just love surprises, don't you?”
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