Sunday, 11 September 2022


IF YOU ARE A SPACE TRAVELLER who has just landed on Planet Earth, this is the story so far: Five hundred years ago, planet earth was taken over by traitors who worked as SPIES for the government - the first was Dr John Dee [Codename "007"] who summoned spirits and wrote a book about how each region of planet earth was under the influence of a different type of demon - since then, all political leaders have been spies, or linked to spying agencies; George Bush senior was the boss of the biggest spy agency called the CIA and he helped to organise the assassination of JFK so he and his sons could dupe the public and get control of billions of dollars, in Britain, Aleister Crowley was recruited by MI5 and had sex with one of the Bush family girls, in Germany a former east-German spy, Angela Merkel, has been placed in power and the votes rigged to make her popular, in Russia, a former KGB agent, Putin, has been installed as a leader which the media say everyone likes… Spies are everywhere - and many of them are members of secret societies who believe in slaughter and sacrifice - WE the People - are their 'lambs' on their chopping blocks - luckily right now, millions of us are waking up and refusing to volunteer for their armies.

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