Tuesday, 20 September 2022


You may be sitting in your front room, reading a book, or in your kitchen cooking a meal, when your smart speaker begins to speak. You’re confused at first, because you hadn’t activated it, and because you can’t understand what it is saying.

That is because it is speaking in a language that has not been spoken for 2000 years, and it is reading out one hundred words.
Stop it before the hundredth word. The usual voice commands will not work, so pull it from the mains, hurl it at the wall, dash it on the floor, smash it with the rolling pin you were using to flatten your pastry, however you do it, stop it.
If you do not, then when the hundredth word is read out a hole will open in the air in your room and something will step through it, and for you that will be that.

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