We've just had a slanging match and kicked out a very nasty district nurse. She is the cause of why my right stump is red raw and leaking and I've got a high temp and taking anti-biotics. She refused to listen to stay clear of my stump and refused to take any responsibility for what she did, The lovely district nurse, Carla who does a perfect job looked shocked as Candy swore at the nasty little troll of a nurse named Jeanette. She stormed out and got in her car and started typing away on her laptop, perhaps making a complaint but I phoned up the GP surgery and got in their first.
I don't know what you guys know about lymphodema but not only does it effect you physically but also mentally. and having a bitch like her bulldozing in and causing more damage to my body and problems that I don't need in my life.
I was actually shaking when she came in and the room got every chilly quickly and the mood dropped.
There is only two decent nurses among this lot - Carla & Nicola. who are very professional and friendly.
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