Monday, 3 May 2021


Well it's over between us now. I. AM. SINGLE.! I have been crying all day and laughing too, She explained that we are still friends and she cares about me, and she still loves me but not in love with me, as I pushed her away too much after I got back from hospital last October, she understands the reason why I did what I did but it was too much for her to handle. It will take several months yet until we finialise everything as we need to declutter everything, sell stuff, sort out who gets what items and then organise where we are moving too, because I need assisted living care as there is a lot of stuff I cannot do on my own anymore. I did ask her if she would consider marriage counselling, but she said it's too late for all of that. She knows she has hurt me and she regrets that, like I regret hurting her, but it's too late now. She will help me pack and move and help me set up my new home? (If I can call it that). All of this will be happening later this year. I am very scared as we have been together since 2003, and we have always been a team, stronger together but useless apart.

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