Friday, 27 November 2020


There’s nothing quite as annoying as having to watch that Amazon Christmas advert, with the happy, smiling Amazon driver delivering parcels on behalf of Jeff Bezos, the biggest scumbag in the world. While Jeff is earning a staggering £1.6 Million per hour, his drivers are employed on dodgy contracts which offer them pitiful wages and no employment protection. As shops close in town centres up and down the UK, real jobs are being lost in the wake of Amazon’s ascendancy in the retail market. Amazon once used Royal Mail, but their army of low paid drivers is now costing the jobs of Royal Mail workers. Amazon does nothing to help the UK economy either, swindling the tax system, despite £15 Billion of UK sales, and starving our NHS and public services of much needed cash. If you get the chance, please go and see the amazing Ken Loach movie: "Sorry We Missed You" which exposes the shocking practices of short term contracts for drivers in the gig economy.

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